



This menu only relates to AD or LDAP if that is used as backend, basically it allows you to view, enable or disable TLS as transport protection for the ldap-bind.
Standard ldap-bind is done over port 389/TCP
Keep in mind that the AD/LDAP needs to be able to present a certificate on port 636/TCP if TLS is enabled.

│               LDAP TLS/SSL on xx (Version 2.x.x build xxxx)                │

│1│Show AD/LDAP TLS/SSL Settings                                             │
│2│Enable AD/LDAP TLS/SSL                                                    │
│3│Disable AD/LDAP TLS/SSL                                                   │

Move the cursor or enter a it's corresponding number (Q to Quit)              

Main> Modules> Radius> Settings> TLS>