Validate and Install new firmware¶
Active firmware Primary image: StoredSafe-2.0.2-build5769 (storedsafe-primary.iso) 349622Kb Secondary image: StoredSafe 2.0.0-rc1-build5682 (storedsafe-secondary.iso) 358656Kb System is booted from StoredSafe-2.0.2-build5769 Insert a USB disk and press enter when ready. Ready? (<Y>/n): y Available files in /mnt/usb: StoredSafe-2.0.2-build5770.iso StoredSafe-2.0.2-build5770.iso.sign Enter filename of new firmware? (Q to Quit) <StoredSafe-2.0.2-build5770.iso>: Good PGP signature by "StoredSafe ISO signing key ( <>" using RSA key ID 31A59B90 Install "StoredSafe-2.0.2-build5770.iso" in "/isodevice/boot/images/"? (<Y>/n): y New firwmare installed successfully. Activate "StoredSafe-2.0.2-build5770.iso" for next reboot? (<Y>/n): y New firwmare activated successfully. Reboot the appliance at a convenient time. Press any key to continue