


Add RADIUS HA firewall rules

Input of new networks or IP addresses is somewhat modeled after how BSD handles multiple input,
e.g. use a single dot (".") alone on a line to mark end of input.

No rules exists. RADIUS HA access is denied.

Allow RADIUS HA sync to mysql (port 3306/TCP) from HA pair
(Use IPv4 or IPv6 with CIDR notation, or 2001:db8:cafe::1/128)

Press return to keep the suggested <DEFAULT> values. To end input at any time,
simply enter a single dot (.) and press return.

Host/Network #0 (. to end input, Q to Quit) <none>:
Host/Network #1 (. to end input, Q to Quit) <.>: 2001:db8:cafe::1/128
Host/Network #2 (. to end input, Q to Quit) <.>: 

Save the new configuration? (<Y>/n): 
Activate the new configuration? (<Y>/n): 

Rule added
Rule added (v6)

Old rules will not be removed until next reboot of the appliance,
unless they are manually removed thru "Remove active firewall rules" 

Press any key to continue